Privacy Policy

I collect basic personal data about you. For the purpose of contacting you about your counselling sessions, I collect:

Your name

Your address

Your phone number

Your next of kin

Your email address

Your Doctor’s name and contact details

As the Data Controller for my business I agree to only collect data from you that is relevant to your counselling and to not pass on your personal data to any third parties for marketing purposes. I take the protection of your data very seriously and therefore store your contact details on my electronic devices which are password protected.

I maintain registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK’s independent body that upholds information rights. You have a right at any time to ask what information I hold on you, and request removal of that information from my records. If you feel there has been a breach of your data and wish to raise a complaint you can contact me directly in the first instance. If my responses are not acceptable to you, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office at or on 0303 123 11 13.